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   Jakarta Photos Album

If you would like to request any of these photo untouched, do drop me an email.
If you use any of these images in your site, a link back is very much appreciated.

NOTE: Each image will open in the same popup window.


Puncak Area
Halfway to Puncak
1281 x 450
9 April 2004, 5:10 p.m.
Seen in photo is the tea plantation.
  Cempaka Mas
Carrefour Cempaka Mas - Day time
850 x 450
16 April 2004, 4:59 p.m.
Colourful eh?
Carrefour Cempaka Mas - Night Time
1258 x 450
9 April 2004, 9:35 p.m.
Misty... Imagine how dirty the air is?
Cempaka Mas - Day Time
2787 x 450
10 April 2004, 4:20 p.m.
Perfect blending: The rich, the poor, the modernisation and industrialisation.
Cempaka Mas - Night Time
1951 x 450
9 April 2004, 9:30 p.m.
City of Yellowish Neon Light - common lighting used all over Indonesia.
Cempaka Mas - Day Time (Portrait Mode)
1339 x 450
16 April 2004, 4:30 p.m.
Anyone fancy a dip in the pool? Crooked photo as it was taken in portrait mode.

       I hope you had enjoyed these photos!


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